Monday, September 1, 2014

Violence Articles

Article 1: Everything Quentin Tarantino Really Thinks About Violence and The Movies

The first thing that really shocked me was how Tarantino was really against talking about the connection between violence in movies and the violence in real life.  I don't really understand why he would not answer the interviewers question.  It just seems like to me that he knew there was really a connection with violence in the movies and violence in real life but he just did not want to state his opinion just in case he said something wrong.  Like he said he was there to sell his movie, so i think he didn't want to answer that question and tarnish the promotion of his movie.  I also disagree with Tarantino on his view of the connection between violence in movies and real violence.  I personally think that there is a connection between the two when Tarantino thinks that there is no connection between the two.  When the interviewer brought up the question of the connection between violence in movies and real violence, Tarantino automatically shut down, he would not answer any of Guru-Murthys questions about that subject.  Tarantino kind of snapped and just told the interviewer that he has already stated his opinion about that subject and to Google him and his opinion on the subject.

Article 2: Violent Media Poisoning Nation's Soul

The article starts out by talking about Newtown, Connecticut and how the United states has a gun problem, but not only a gun problem but also a cultural problem.  Then the article talks about the effects violent video games have on children and how the violent video games relate to the conditioning soldiers get to desensitize them to killing.  They also talk about the shooting in Aurora, Colorado and how some of the survivors thought that the gunman was part of the promotion of the movie.  In the article they also say that "violent media is the new regime", and that this targets young men who are uninformed and weak in personality.  This article also states that critics should not sugar coat the movies but that they should just tell it like it is.  Also the public has to insist that any movie that has violence in it should automatically be R rated.  I personally agree with what  LaSalle has to say in this article.  I really think that the public should open up there eyes and realize that there really is something going on between violence in the movies connected the violence in real life.  I was shocked that some children that played the violent video games related the soldiers, i think that parents should be the blame for that because as a parent you should monitor what your child is playing and make sure they are not exposed to that type of violence.

Article 3: Marilyn Manson Columbine: Whose Fault is it?

Marilyn Manson is talking about how in this society people will blame anyone without actually knowing the truth.  Manson was to blame for influencing the murders at Columbine when really Harris and Klebold disliked Manson's music so how could he be put to blame for that? "America loves to find an icon to hang its guilt on. (420)" is what Manson said and i agree with him completely.  He also talks about how kids have so much access to technology and they have so much information in front of them and that is why they are becoming/growing up more cynical.  I personally think that how you are raised really reflects how you are as a person but now I can see how the amount of technology we have can influence a child.

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