Article 1:Everything Quentin Tarantino Really Thinks About Violence and the Movies
This article enlightens us on the opinion of Quentin Tarantino's point of view of violence in movies and how he is tired of explaining himself on his standing on the topic. The article starts off by giving the audience an overview of his interview with a reporter. In the interview Quentin made it very clear he would not answer any questions on the topic of movies and violence, due to the fact he had answered the question several times in the past. The show us that he has answered this question several times, answering the question as early as 1993 all the way to 2010. In the quotes you see that his opinion has never once change, which is movie violence is okay because it is expected, but in real life it is unexpected and is a tragedy. I highly agree with Tarantino's opinion, movie violence is expected, so those who should not see violence (kids for example), a parent is going to know if violence is in that movie or not so they can always prevent their child from seeing that movie. As for adults, if violent movies caused people to be violent, it would be logical that the actions done would be more closely related to movies actions.
Article 2:Violent media poisoning nation's soul
In this article they discuss how movie violence causes people to be violent and how its okay to show violence in movies but we react so much more differently in real life. He asked us if the public's point of view on violence in movies be different where instead of the Aurora movie theater shooting a blockbuster movie had a scene that contained a movie shooting. It response to his question, I would like to say that yes a majority of the public would not have a horrific reaction, but that is because we understand that it is not real, and we go to a movie with violence because we want to, and most people can understand the difference between what happens in a movie and what happens in real life.
Article 3: Columbine: Whose Fault was it?
The whole article sums up to how the growth of media affected the spread of showing real life violence. His first example was how would things be different if they had television during the civil war? This was a great example because he explains how every news channel would have been covering the event. But the media that tells us that violence shouldn't be allowed in movies shows us car chases, footage of a reporter covering a war over seas (this can be any war between Vietnam to the wars int the middle east.) But in the sum of the article i agree with this writer that we allow the media to make our choices for us on several topics including violence, and we are not getting any more violent as time goes on, but instead we only make it easier through technology to show this violence, and it is very true that every source is filled with examples of violence. So we can't just tell movies to quit showing violence we'd have to include every source.